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TSAA Guide

“Funded by the European Union. Views
and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not
necessarily reflect those of the European Union or The European Education and
Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting
authority can be held responsible for them.”


“Responsible Conduct of Research -Research Integrity and
Ethics in Georgian Universities” (ETHICS)

The project was funded in 2022 within the framework of the
European Union’s Erasmus+ Institutional Development Grant Competition and
represents Georgia’s national structural reform initiative. Ilia State
University is the project coordinator, and the Tbilisi State Academy of Art is
participating as a partner higher education institution.

The project aims to systematically enhance the research culture
in Georgian higher education institutions and align it more closely with
Western standards. By integrating the best European scientific practices, the
project aims to strengthen research activities at universities and research
organizations, promote research ethics, and establish structures necessary for
conducting responsible research in a supportive environment.


The project implements and disseminates its aims and goals at
the Tbilisi State Academy of Art through its doctoral programs, research units,
and faculties.

Planned activities within the framework of the project include:

– Promoting responsible scientific communication

– Creating an environment conducive to a responsible research

– Developing services that support researchers and the research

– Revising the accreditation standards for doctoral programs

– Creating a research integrity module (MOOC)

– Training researchers and research support staff

– Creating/updating the Research Integrity and Ethics Code and
other related documentation

– Establishing the Research Integrity and Ethics Council


Project Number: 101082546

Project Duration: 48 თვე
(01/02/2023 – 31/01/2027)

Project Coordinator:

Ilia State University 

Project EU Partners:

  1. Free
    University Amsterdam/ STICHTING VU
  2. Charles
    University Prague
  3. Masaryk
  4. European Network for Academic Integrity

Project Georgian HEIs:

  1. Apollon Kutateladze Tbilisi State Academy of Art 
  2. Ivane
    Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University 
  3. Caucasus
    University Ltd
  4. David
    Tvildiani Medical University
  5. Shota Rustaveli State University 
  6. Akaki Tsereteli State University 
  7. Samtskhe-Javakheti State University 
  8. Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University 
  9. Georgian
    Institute of Public Affair

Project Non – University Partners:

  1. Ministry of Education And Science of Georgia 
  2. National
    Center For Educational Quality Enhancement
  3. Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation 

Activities implemented by the Tbilisi State Academy of
Art within the framework of the EU-funded project ETHICS:

  1. Training cycle on research ethics and
    integrity for students in the Academy’s doctoral program
  2. Training cycle on research ethics and
    integrity for researchers and academic staff of the Academy of Art
  3. Second international meeting of the
    EU-funded project “ETHICS” consortium
  4. A roundtable discussion at the Academy
    of Art dedicated to the topic “Artificial Intelligence – Expansion in
  5. Training cycle for researchers and research
    support staff of the Academy of Art
  6. First national meeting of the EU-funded
    project “ETHICS.”

“RECONOMY” is an inclusive and green economic development program of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), implemented by Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation in cooperation with its partners.
The RECONOMY program, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), supports the Fashion Design department at the Art Academy in the development of sustainable and inclusive education and includes the study, deepening, and development of knowledge and skills.
Within the framework of the “RECONOMY” program, a new educational and creative program – “Design Lab: Intertextual Synergy in Design” was created in the direction of TSA Fashion Design.
The program is based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and provides practice-based learning forms – creativity, theoretical-practical workshops, implementation of design-technologies, and others. The main components of the program include:
1. Development of sustainable design education;
2. Expansion of educational modules;
3. Raising the qualifications of teachers;
4. Integration of traditional and innovative technologies in the educational process.
Within the framework of the “DesignLab: Intertextual Synergy in Design” program, international and local experts conducted practical sessions on the direction of fashion design (5). Also, a training course (13, BA/MA) was prepared and launched.
At this stage, the cycle of master classes “Non-traditional design methods” was completed for the students and teachers of “Mermis” College;
• Tutor: Leila Enukidze, Fashion Design teacher of TSSA, Chief Designer of LYIA;
• The master class course “Non-traditional pattern design methods” was developed according to the author’s methods of international experts invited to TSSA Fashion Design direction. In particular:
• Julian Roberts (UK fashion designer and academic, “Method Subtraction Cutting”): body language, “typographic letters”, “tunnel technique”;
• Shingo Sato (Shingo Sato, Japanese designer and instructor, Method “Transformational Reconstruction”/3D): “origami” technique, “spiral”;
• Elena Ryleeva (Elena Ryleeva, EWST Fashionlab Founder, Lossless pattern method): “Tissue topography”;
• Duration: 24 hours
• Teaching environment: innovative and practical (location: “Mermis” College, sewing laboratory);
• The program “DesignLab: Intertextual Synergy in Design” is led by Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor, Head of Fashion Design Department of TSSA – Nino Mgaloblishvili.
• The program continues to work.

November 7, ERASMUS Information Meeting with First-Year Students of Apollon Kutateladze Tbilisi State Art Academy, International Service, about ERASMUS+ and Exchange Programs.
At the meeting, students heard information about semester and short-term exchange programs and international projects. The first-year students met with faculty coordinators, there was a discussion about the ERASMUS+ guide, student selection regulations, requirements of partner universities, details of studying and living abroad, and more.
The meeting was also attended by a representative of TSSA career services, who informed the students about vacancies, internships, university, state, and international scholarships, master classes, conferences, and seminars.

On Thursday, November 7, at 15:00, freshmen are waiting for you at an information meeting, during which you will get to know detailed information about Erasmus+ and exchange programs!
Art Academy – Auditorium N906

On November 1, 2024, at 4:00 p.m., the Patriarchate of Georgia and the Georgian Academy of Sciences invite you to an educational program – the twenty-ninth event of “Georgian identity”, which will be held at the Apollon Kutateladze State Art Academy in Tbilisi.
Topic of the report: Early Christian terrain.
Speaker: Master of Arts Kristine Sabashvili.
For those wishing to attend the event remotely, a live broadcast link will be posted on November 1 at 2:00 p.m. on the specified Facebook page:
November 1, 2024, 4 p.m.

Tbilisi State Art Academy named after Apollon Kutateladze!
Program leaders:
Nana Iashvili – Professor, Doctor of Architecture, Founder of TSSA Media Art Faculty.
Karl Stoker – PhD, Professor at the University of Graz, Culture and Design Consultant, Speaker, and Networker.
In the attached video, Professor Karl Stoker himself will tell you about the program and the processes taking place within it.

• Opportunity: One-week Erasmus mobility (training and workshop) in the spring semester of 2025 at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Slovakia, for students from TSSA Faculty of Fine Arts (2 places for painting students and 2 places for film painting students).
• Heads of Group: Professor Salome Skhirtladze (Film Painting) and Professor Davit Aleksidze
• Documents to Submit:
o CV
o Portfolio (in English)
o Mark Sheet (in Georgian)
o Letter of Motivation
o English Language Certificate (B2 level or proof of B2 from TSSA teacher)
o Application to TSSA Chancellery
• Deadline: November 18, 2024
• Contact Person: Nata Nikolaishvili (nata.nikoleishvili@art.edu.ge, +995 593 799 960)
• Eligibility: Only students with active status can participate. Students must familiarize themselves with the Erasmus+ guide for TSSA student mobility.