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May 13-17, 2024 – Mobility at the University of Liechtenstein.
From 2017 to the present, students’ Erasmus mobility has been ongoing within the framework of successful and fruitful cooperation between the Faculty of Architecture of the Apollon Kutateladze Tbilisi State Academy of Arts—Faculty of Architecture and the Department of Architecture of the University of Liechtenstein. On May 13-17, the International Department of the Academy of Arts representative, Nestan Tsiklauri, was in Liechtenstein.
Over the years, students of the Art Academy participating in exchange programs have shown the best results in the international arena. From a practical point of view, the coordinator of the Faculty of Architecture was involved in the preparatory processes of the current RIBA accreditations for the undergraduate and graduate programs of the University of Liechtenstein. Within the framework of the visit, meetings were held with the rector of the university and the dean of the faculty, as well as with the intercultural group of students participating in exchange programs. Opportunities and priorities in different directions were discussed. Within the framework of the Erasmus week, future projects between the partner universities were planned.

The Georgian festival was opened in the Leuville historical estate. On the first day of the festival, in the park of the Leuville estate, a presentation of the works of the art academy’s sculpture department students was organized.

On May 23, the representatives of the Antwerp High School of Arts, Kurt Vanbeleghem and Laura Braspenning, also met with the dean, teachers, and students of the Apollon Kutateladze Tbilisi State Academy of Arts- Faculty of Media Arts.

On May 23, within the Erasmus program, representatives of the Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences, Arts St Lucas School of Arts, Antwerp, Belgium, visited the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Apollon Kutateladze Tbilisi State Academy of Arts: Kurt Vanbelegem and Laura Braspening. The guests met the dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts and the heads of departments and students

On May 22, within the framework of the Erasmus program, representatives of the Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences, Arts St Lucas School of Arts in Antwerp, Belgium – Kurt Vanbelegem and Laura Braspenning. The guests met the rector, vice-rectors, dean of the Faculty of Design, and heads of all seven departments of the Art Academy. Also, students of the Faculty of Design

On May 13-17, Giorgi Pachkoria, associate professor of the design faculty and direction of artistic ceramics, was a guest at Kastamonu University of Turkey within the framework of Erasmus cooperation. The professor conducted a 5-day workshop for his colleagues and university students.

May 23, 2024
Tbilisi State Art Academy, named after Apollon Kutateladze, was visited by the head of the architecture department of Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Professor Yokhan Sigmund. The meeting was attended by the Rector of TSSA and representatives of the Faculty of Architecture. As a result, the foundation was laid for future partnership cooperation within the Erasmus+ programs between the Academy of Arts and the Cologne University of Applied Sciences.

On May 13-17, the Erasmus partner of the Apollon Kutateladze Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, at the invitation of the Sofia National Academy, was on mobility in Bulgaria, the vice-dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Art Academy, Professor Otar Chakvetadze. He conducted a workshop for students, met with representatives of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Sofia Academy, and held talks on future cooperation, joint projects, and exchange of students and academic staff

May 7-10, 2024
Hubert Bujak, professor of the master’s degree program of the painting department of the Academy of Wroclaw, Poland, of the ERASMUS partner institute of TSSA, visited the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Apollon Kutateladze State Art Academy of Tbilisi. Within the framework of the visit, the guest met the rector of TSSA, the dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, and TSSA representatives, got acquainted with TSSA training programs, and conducted a presentation and workshop for painting and graphics students. Negotiations were held on future cooperation.