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  2. For students
  3. |
  4. Mobility

General rule of mobility
A student who has been enrolled in an accredited/recognized higher educational institution of Georgia in accordance with the law and has completed one year of study has the right to mobility (enrollment by way of transfer from a higher educational institution);
In order to carry out international mobility, a person is obliged to obtain the right to enroll in the TSA according to the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. based on compliance with the rules established by Article 7 of this rule;
Mobility can be carried out twice a year – in the fall and spring semesters;
A student whose status is suspended also enjoys the right to mobility;

mobility procedure
For the implementation of internal/external mobility, TSSA faculties limit the number of free places according to the program and level every semester, as well as determine the prerequisites for admission;
In accordance with the legal act issued by the director of the National Center for the Development of Education Quality, the rector of TSSA approves the terms of registration and examinations of mobility applicants in TSSA;
Applicants for external mobility must register on the website of the National Center for Education Quality Development;
Applicants for mobility pass the exam/examinations determined by the faculties of TSSA as a prerequisite for admission;
Applicants for external mobility will gain the right to enroll in TSSA in case of a positive conclusion issued by the National Center for the Development of Education Quality;