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  2. Science
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  4. Scientific Research and Development...

Head of Service
Tamta Shavgulidze tamtatamara.shavgulidze@art.edu.ge

The purpose of the Scientific Research and Development Service is to promote the growth of the scientific research potential of the Academy, the development of scientific work, the promotion of the activities of doctoral candidates and persons employed in research institutes, the establishment of connections with foreign universities and scientific centers, and the development of existing contacts.


The goals of the service are:

a) promoting the integration of the educational process and scientific-research activities.
b) Promotion of activities of independent scientific research units of the Academy.
c) if necessary, monitoring the evaluation of scientific research projects of the Academy and organizing expert activities;
d) studying the specifics of the work of foundations and other donor organizations.

e) Finding information about new grant competitions and conferences.
f) Consulting the Academy staff regarding grant projects.
g) Establishing contacts with various universities, government institutions and business sector in order to promote scientific research.
h) Organization of various scientific conferences and meetings in the Academy.