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Erasmus+ Information and Consultation Meeting

An information and consultation meeting will be held for students interested in participating in Erasmus mobility competitions on March 19, at 13:00. The venue is the Central Exhibition Hall.

Erasmus+ Student Mobility Selection Competition – Asachi Polytechnic University – for students of the Faculty of Architecture

Announcement: Selection for one-semester Erasmus student mobility Competition Details: Department: TSAA Faculty of Architecture, Bachelor’s level Available Places: 2 for the fall semester of the 2024/2025 academic year Destination: Romania, at the Polytechnic University of Asachi – “G.M. Cantacuzino” Faculty of Architecture Website: Gh. Asachi Technical University of Iasi – ttps://www.gotouniversity.com/university/gh- asachi-technical-university

Scholarship Programs of the Slovak Republic

The Slovak Republic has announced the National Scholarship Program for the academic year 2024/2025. This program is open to students, doctoral candidates, university lecturers, and researchers. Additionally, travel funding is available for both students and PhD candidates. Applications from international candidates can be completed online via the website: www.scholarships.sk. Detailed information about the scholarship program […]

International Conference “Science for Sustainable Development 2024”

The Ninth Annual International Conference “Science for Sustainable Development 2024” will take place on June 21-22, 2024, at Caucasus University. Abstract submission deadline: May 10, 2024. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. The conference covers various thematic areas. Of particular interest to academics is the socio-cultural sustainability direction, encompassing topics such as […]

Erasmus+ Mobility Selection Competition for Students, Academy of Fine Arts, Gdańsk, Poland

The Tbilisi State Academy of Art (TSAA) is pleased to announce the selection competition for one-semester Erasmus student mobility. Competition Details: Faculty: Fine Arts Program: Painting and Graphics Place Available: 1 spot Semester: Fall semester of the academic year 2024/2025 Destination: Academy of Fine Arts, Gdańsk, Poland Website: Academy of Fine Arts, Gdańsk

Student Erasmus+ Mobility Selection Competition, Academy of Arts in Szczecin, Poland

The Tbilisi State Academy of Art (TSAA) is excited to announce the selection competition for one-semester Erasmus student mobility. Competition Details: Faculty: Fine Arts Program: Painting Place Available: 1 spot Semester: Fall semester of the academic year 2024/2025 Destination: Academy of Arts in Szczecin, Poland Website: https://www.akademiasztuki.eu/

Student Erasmus+ Mobility Selection Competition, Tartu University – Estonia

The Tbilisi State Academy of Art (TSAA) is pleased to announce the one-semester Erasmus mobility selection competition for bachelor level students of the Restoration Department. Competition Details: Place Available: 1 spot Destination: Tartu University of Applied Sciences Higher School of Arts, Estonia Semester: Fall semester of the academic year 2024/2025