Artistic Glass Design

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  4. Design
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  6. Artistic Glass Design

Head of the Direction Associate Professor Tamar Grigolia

The Direction of Plastic Decoration opened in 1961 at the Chair of Ceramic Art.

In 1967 the specialisation of glass art was merged with the Chair of Artistic Ceramics which was renamed as the Chair of Ceramics and Artistic Glass. Since 2005 it has existed as an independent direction within the Faculty of Design. Glass is no more used as a separate art material but is combined with metal, ceramic and other materials through complex technological processing. In fact, glass artworks owe their appeal to the synthesis of glass with a wide variety of other materials. As a result, glass is extensively used in architecture, interior and exterior designs. Modern glass processing technique and technologies help to create a new visual reality. The curricula of the Academy Direction of Artistic Glass have been designed to reflect modern perspectives and development strategies of this branch of art. The Direction employs highly qualified academic staff and is equipped with all relevant modern technologies.


Tamar Grigolia, Associate Professor
Maia Gabadadze, Assosiate Professor
Manana Kipiani, Assistant Professor
Nino Sikhuashvili, Assistant Professor