“Patient N1” exhibition of the Faculty of Design

The “Patient N1” exhibition of the Faculty of Design—fashion design direction—was opened at the Apollon Kutateladze Tbilisi State Art Academy.
The educational-creative project deals with ecological problems and challenges. The exhibition includes eleven costumes and two panels. Participating students used, among other techniques, upcycling used clothing.
Head of the project: Thea Bodokia – associate professor of the Academy of Arts;
Supervisor in the direction of technology/construction: Ekaterine Darchia, guest teacher of the Academy of Arts;
Participating students: Tekla Gogoladze, Elene Erkomaishvili, Ekaterine Maisuradze, Inga Vartaniani, Tamuna Zaloshvili, Dachi Metreveli, Monika Managadze, Salome Nadiradze, Salome Chkonia, Nelli Khurtsidze, Elene Turashvili
The exhibition will last until June 23.
Address: Al. Griboyedov N22 – the exhibition hall of the Art Academy.